Tanda of the week: Florindo Sassone instrumentals

Tanda of the week: Florindo Sassone instrumentals

This weeks tanda continues with the exploration of the forgotten era of 1970-2000.

I don't hear Sassone that often on milongas, and I wonder why? The music is richly instrumented, builds a beautiful open space for you to step into, and supports you all the way. There are no rhythmical tricks to be played on the leader, none. A long-time milonguero finds plenty of opportunities for adornments and advanced footplay while the beginner can simply walk and enjoy the tour.

These four come from the album "Tangos de Oro" and were recorded between 1973-1974. Sassone was very productive and recorded a lot in the 1960s and especially 1970s. We've had a vocal tanda here in February 2020 but there are not that many compared to his instrumental legacy. That's fine, he could paint complex soundscapes without having to involve a singer.


1) Carrillón de la Mercéd
2) A media luz
3) El escondite de Hernando | Hernando's hideaway
4) Quejas de bandoneón

The narrative has predominantly lyrical colors and is dramatically restrained. The tempos are slighly below normal walking tempo at approx 57 BPM. This is still fine for relaxed walking. The harmonic progression is not remarkable (B-minor -> D major/minor -> F Minor -> D minor) but satisfying nonetheless.


This fits well wherever a 1950s Di Sarli instrumental tanda would fit. I actually like to open the milonga with this kind of sound. It's inviting, easy, yet not trivial. Later in the evening when you want to calm people's nerves works well, too.

photo credit to Noémi Macavei-Katócz

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